Escape Gaming raises over £1,500 for Roundabout

An online gaming company, Escape Gaming, has raised an amazing £1,507.49 for Roundabout, collecting donations from all over the world!

Escape Gaming, founded in March 2016, creates and broadcasts live gaming and high quality eSport tournaments. They are known worldwide and last month, the company raised an incredible amount for Roundabout in just a few hours.

“The communities that we are involved with give us a sense of belonging, support from our peers and add a great deal of value to our lives,” explains Zak Robinson, Head of Operations at Escape Gaming.

“Roundabout is doing a great service to our local community by providing these things to the youths of Sheffield that need it to the most, giving them the support, guidance and environment to put the right foot forward.”

The fundraising event was a gaming livestream where an international community from the game “Age of Empires 2” came together to play matches and raise money. The three hour live broadcast was seen by over 6,000 people from around the world; many of which donated a few dollars to the cause.

“We will be hosting another, longer, event in the third quarter once there is a gap in our schedule. We’ll be announcing information about this on the homepage our website, so keep an eye out!”

To keep up to date with Escape Gamings live streaming events, have a look at their website, like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.