Fundraising at Work

Whether it’s adopting Roundabout as your charity of the year, organising an event at work, cause-related marketing or gifts in kind, we desperately need the support of local organisations to help change the lives of young people in Sheffield.

Being a corporate partner of Roundabout is a fantastic way to gain positive PR coverage and raise the profile of your organisation as well as promoting your corporate social responsibility. Fundraising for charity is also great for staff morale and can provide team building opportunities away from the usual work environment.

Our Fundraising Team is on hand to support you throughout your fundraising and give useful advice of how to maximize the money you raise. We can also come to speak to your staff about the difference they have made and invite you to our annual open evening or to look around our hostel.

Jamie Ford, CEO at Plusnet said:

“By selecting Roundabout as our charity of the year we feel we’ve been able to make a real, positive difference to the lives of young people in the city.

Roundabout is close to the hearts of so many of our staff; both due to it being based in Sheffield and due to the amazing services it provides. All of the funds we’ve donated to Roundabout this year have come directly from staff’s own fundraising activities – which goes to show how much Roundabout is valued here.

“Our staff got a great sense of achievement from seeing the results of their fundraising to support Roundabout’s emergency hostel which has undergone an revolutionary transformation and, besides fundraising, we’ve had the opportunity to volunteer for some great projects with Roundabout, giving our staff a great sense of pride. The fact that Roundabout is a smaller charity is a big bonus for us as it means we can see where every penny we donate is spent.”
