Scott’s Story

Scott is 19. He is from Sheffield and was living at his Nan’s with his dad, after he and his dad lost the accommodation they were originally living in together.

When his father found a one bedroom flat and moved out of his Nan’s, Scott stayed living there but the living situation started to get worse. Scott and his Nan started to have arguments and found it difficult to talk to each other. Eventually, Scott came to Roundabout’s Prevention Service for advice to see what he could do to improve the situation.

With support from Roundabout, he made the decision to stay at his Nan’s for the time being but to seek alternative accommodation for the future, which would give him more independence.

Therefore, Scott was referred to the Future Builders Project which not only would provide him with suitable accommodation in the future, but also allowed him to learn new skills. Scott has flourished in the role and has been a real asset to the team.

“Future Builders has given me the opportunity to gain experience within the building, construction and property refurb industry, which has given me a better idea of what I would like to do in the future. It has also really helped me to prepare for full-time paid work!”

The programme, funded by the OVO Foundation, has helped Scott to gain skills and experience in a range of areas including plastering, joinery, electrics, plumbing and decorating.

“The project has helped me learn more about myself, too. I’ve worked hard to show consistency in my work and have successfully followed instructions. Working alongside professionals has really helped me prepare for the world of work and it’s been great feeling like part of a proper team.”

Since completing his work on the Future Builders project, Scott has moved into the renovated house and has also secured a job as a welding fabricator.

“Due to me showing commitment with the Future Builders project, I was offered a trial which went really well, so I was then offered full employment.

“Future Builders has played a key part in helping me become independent. It has given me the chance to move into an affordable but high quality form of accommodation within the local area, allowed me to learn new skills which in turn has helped me begin a career.”

To find out more about the Future Builders project, visit our website or contact the Future Builders Co-ordinator, Ray Anderson (email, call 0114 272 8424).