Taina’s Story

Taina is 20 years old. Growing up abroad, she really valued her education and has continued to do so ever since.

At the age of 16, she moved to the UK but due to complications was taken into care. She lived in various foster homes before moving into a residential children’s home.

Just before Taina turned 18, she was referred to Roundabout’s Resettlement Team. They provide accommodation for young people who are leaving care as a chance to practice independence skills outside of a residential setting. Taina was given her own flat and received tailored support from a Roundabout Support Worker, who helped her develop the skills she needs to live independently.

She is confident in her own abilities and has always been in education, valuing the difference that this has made and continues to make to her life. While she was studying Law at college in Sheffield, she had two part time jobs and was also a member of the Care Leavers Union.

Taina’s aim in life is to eventually become a barrister and was successful with her application to study at the University of Bristol! She received distinctions in all her exams and was offered a scholarship for studying at the university. She moved there in September last year and is doing really well.

“I really wanted to experience living in a different city in the UK and actually had four offers from different universities. I feel very fortunate! I chose Bristol as they have a great reputation for those who wish to study Law. Being a lawyer has been a passion of mine for a long time. Growing up I witnessed lots of things, and I soon realised that the best way to make injustices stop is to have the right knowledge of the law and apply that to the situation.”

Before Taina left in September, she chatted to us about how she was feeling about the move.

“I’m a little bit anxious as I’ve never lived in a different city in the UK, and have been in Sheffield for the past few years. I’m not too worried though, as I know I’ll adapt. Whenever I’ve encountered anything difficult in life I adapt – it’s just what you do. I’m really excited for a new experience and am looking forward to what this change will bring! This move is for my education and I’ll do anything for that.”

Whilst she was receiving support from Roundabout, Taina volunteered as one of our Peer Educators, helping to spread awareness of youth homelessness and telling her story to students in schools. By delivering homeless education to students under 16, Roundabout aims to prevent them from having to ever experience homelessness. In the last academic year, our Peer Educators delivered sessions to 2,691 school students and Taina played a key part in making this happen.

“I had great support from Roundabout – they’ve been amazing. They really helped me gain independence, build my skills and follow my dreams. I’m excited for my future and have learned that the one thing that makes a difference in life is the way you approach it.”